Explore the Mystic Caverns in Branson MO

Are you someone who loves mysteries? For your vacation in Branson, expect not only theme park fun and the live music shows; you can also bring out the daredevil in you and seek the mysteries enveloping the hidden attractions in Branson.

The Mystic Caverns is a commercially operated show cave. It is located on the Newton Country and Boone County line, near Marble Falls and 8 miles south of Harrison, Arizona. The Mystic Caverns is still a part of the Ozark Mountains. It was during the 1830’s when this region had been settled. The original entrance to the Mystic Caverns was originally a dirt slope that is leading to a drop into the cave which reaches about 10 feet. When you visit the Mystic Caverns, you will see that the earliest physical evidence that it had been visited before dates back to 1919. You will in the cave the name of a certain Adam Kolbe, carved in one of the formations of the cave. During the year 1919, the Mystic Caverns was known as the “Mansion Cave” because of its large, open chambers. The tours in the Mystic Cavern as a commercial property started in 1928.

The present owners of the Mystic Caverns, Jim and Bob Gurley, placed a wooden ladder into the sinkhole entrance so it could be opened to the public for the first time. They also toured the tourists inside the cave using kerosene lamps as their light source. Presently, the Mystic Caverns is also known as the “Wild Horse Cave” because of the hand-carved, wooden horse which can be found in the ticket office. The visitors of the cave are in for a very interesting tour. In the tour, you get to go down the crude trail, go back up the steep Mill Creek canyon, and go up again to the cave entrance. The Mystic Caverns is also the second cave in Arkansas to open to the public.

The Oxyn Cave in Eureka Springs also opened to the public in the year 1893. It was then followed by Diamond Cave and Cosmic Caverns. As a commercial cave tour, the safety of the people is also ensured before, during, and after touring the caves. Visitors to the caves are handed overalls and kerosene lamps.

Why not take a tour of the Mystic Caverns now? This would be a perfect idea as the summer approaches. Discover the mystery inside the Mystic Caverns with your whole family or with your friends.

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