Jonah Coming to Sight and Sound in 2014

jonahIf you are familiar with Bible stories, chances are that you are acquainted with the story of Jonah. It’s an incredible ‘whale of a tale’ and it speaks of God’s love and forgiveness during times when life’s waters are turbulent. Now, this classic Bible story is coming to one of Branson’s most famous theaters. Get ready for Sight and Sound ‘Jonah’ in 2014 – it will be a show bigger than your wildest dreams!

In the Bible story, Jonah was a man who was directed by God to go and preach the Lord’s word to the wicked city of Nineveh. And wicked was putting it lightly – not only were the people of Nineveh very sinful in mind and heart, they were also one of the biggest enemies of Israel. Jonah was horrified by this order – so he ran. He booked a passage on the first ship he could find, and promptly sailed in the opposite direction of Nineveh. During Jonah’s time on the ship, however, a massive storm happened upon the vessel, sent by God. The ship’s crewmen were all terrified, and Jonah demanded that they throw him overboard, seeing as the storm was his fault. And so they did – as soon as they cast Jonah from the ship, the seas instantly calmed. And Jonah, instead of drowning, was swallowed by a huge fish! Three days Jonah spent in the belly of the fish until God commanded the creature to spit Jonah onto dry land. After his watery experience, Jonah went to Nineveh as God has asked. There he preached his message to the people and much to his surprise, they repented!

Now, you have the chance to see this miraculous story come to life – right here in Branson! With over 800,000 guests coming to see the opening season of the show at the Sight and Sound location in Lancaster County, PA, it’s predicted to be a huge hit here in the Midwest as well. With incredible special effects, wonderful original music, and a riveting story line, the Sight and Sound Jonah show will immerse in a story that is hundreds of years old, and continues to be timeless.

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